Foyer > In Memoriam > Memories

Muffy is my friend. I say is because friendship doesn't stop just because the friend isn't right with you. She is my friend.
I have many memories of Muf. It's hard to pick just a few but I'll try. Some of my favorite memories are of sitting out on her deck on summer evenings, when her son Steven and my son Chris were younger. We would have had a hamburger supper and the boys would have gone off to do whatever it is that boys do on warm summer evenings. We'd sit there amid the debris: paper plates, scraps of salad and leftover french fries just chatting, maybe listening to some music. Then it would start to get dark and Muffy would get up and go over to the railing. "Cover your ears," she'd say, "I'm going to call the boys in!"
I'd stick my fingers in my ears and she'd put her two fingers in her mouth and give out the loudest, most ear-piercing whistle you've ever heard. Wherever the boys had gotten to they'd hear that whistle and come drifting in from the gathering dark.

Muffy was a good friend. She was always ready to drop whatever she was doing to help me if I needed help. I am remembering one time in particular when I was living over on Middlebrook Road in West Fairlee Center. Early one Saturday I had gone down to K-mart and bought a gas grill. Because it was 20 dollars cheaper that way, I had bought the grill un assembled. I started to assemble the grill and it wasn't very long before I was hysterical and crying and throwing things. Chris, who was five or six at the time, crept into the house and called Muffy.
"Muffy" he said "Please come over and get me! Mom's going crazy!"
"What's your Mom doing?" asked Muf
"She's assembling a gas grill." said Chris
"Ohhh" said Muf

And she dropped whatever she was up to and drove right over. She came around the corner of the house and up onto the little deck and took one look - I had stopped throwing things by then and was just weeping pitifully and she said only:
" Get in the car because you're going yard-saleing right now !"
And we did, she took me yard-saleing and persuaded me to shove the partially assembled grill back in the box and take it back down to K-Mart and spend the extra money to get one that was fully assembled, which I did, and it was the best 20 bucks I ever spent too!

Sometimes being Muf's friend could be painful. Muffy fought some demons during her time with us and that could be hard to watch. You wanted to help but you didn't know how.
But she did fight them and she kept on fighting. She persevered. Her demons finally did kill her, my friend Muffy is dead. But she is my friend always.

Foyer > In Memoriam > Memories